An online diary

søndag den 23. august 2015

Thing 11: Reflective Practice

I'm always the time optimist. Then reality comes around and things just take more time than I thought.

This is how I've always worked - I tend to linger for a long time and then I work intensely for as long as it takes for me to finish the job. That's just how it is and I've learned to organize for it.

I really enjoy this course even though I tend to fall behind at times and even though I could always do more, investigate more and write more about my experiences and considerations.

But today my family has left the house for a sunny day in Legoland and I have sat myself down in front of the screen and get things done (more or less thouroughly, see Thing 10!).

I like to be presented new thing, like tools on the internet, and I like that writing the blog posts forces my dive into the thing and  think about about how to use them instead of not just "have a look" at them.

I'm actually thinking about copying some if Rudaí23 into a series of short courses for start up companies at our public library. I think that when you're on you own as an entrepreneur and responsible for everything you could need some insiration and new tools to help you promote your business and perhaps make life easier.

Dette kursus er en vigitg inspirationskilde for mig. Jeg elsker at få præsenteret nye værktøjer på nettet, som kan hjælpe mig i mit abejde og med at brande mig selv på nettet. Det er et godt greb, at man skal skrive posts om hver ting - det tvinger én til at sætte sig ordentlig ind i dem og overveje, vad man kan burge dem til, og ikke bare "kigge på" dem.
Jeg arbejder som regel i ryk. Lader tiden gå i et stykke tid og så får arbejder jeg igennem så længe som det tager at få opgaven færdig.
Jeg overvejer at kopiere idéen fra Rudaí23 og sammensætte en serie af korte kurser for iværksættere. Jeg forestiller mig, at når man er alene om at have en virksomhed og har ansvar for alt, så kan man godt bruge noget inspiration og gode tips til, hvordan man kan markedsføre sig selv og måske gøre hverdagen letter.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Lene, we're delighted that you think Rudai23 would make a good basis for some courses for your library patrons. Please do remember to attribute the Rudai23 team in anything you want to use. We like to share but we like the credit too!

  2. Hi Caroline. Of course I'll credit you :-) But I think I used the wrong word, though - I didn't mean "copy" as in using your work word by word. I meant using the form of the 23 Things as a series of lessons focusing on one tool at a time where you can take the lessons when it suits you and in the order you choose to. Some of the topics we have covered here are relevant to entrepreneurs as well, and that's what inspired me :-)
