I have been working on my personal, professional brand for a few months now.
This is me now.
I am very aware of the concept of online branding and I have chosen to be active in this area as I am actively looking for another job.
I try to promote myself as a professional information specialist especially withing business information and to that end I have written a few blog post on Linkedin and try to find relevant information to share with my network - news and opinions that relate to my expertise but is also interesting to people in other professions.
One great experience with Linkedin I've had, was when someone connected to someone in my network asked for an introduction to acces to public data on the internet. When I saw that I volunteered to present the topic at Internet Week Denmark and was accepted by the organisers. That was an opportunity for me to reach further than my daily circles and share knowledge with others with the same interest.
Since May 2015 I have been working on my own blog, Markedsinformation.
It's a blog about how to search for and use market information and data in relation to business and export. This topic is one of my specialties where I have gained quite some experience in the last tens years or more.
Contrary to what I thought before I started by blog, the biggest problem is not to find subjects for new posts - in fact I have a long list of things I would like to write about. The biggest problem is finding the time and focus to actually sit down, do the necessary research and write it into a blog post.
But when it happens I find it quite rewarding to be able to articulate what it is that I know and actually do for a living. Hopefully others can use my advice. I don't have any followers yet - maybe I should start promoting the blog a bit ;-)
I believe in the long term investment it is when you engage yourself in a network like Linkedin. If you are persistant it will pay off in the end with new connections, opportunities for collaboration or maybe even a new job.
Jeg har været på Linkedin siden 2007, men har kun været rigtig aktiv inden for det seneste års tid.
Jeg arbejder aktivt med at brande mig selv som professional informationsspecialist med speciale i forretningsinformation. Til det formål har jeg skrevet nogle posts på Linkedin og forsøger at finde relevante information at dele med mit netværk. Linkedin har også udvidet mit netværk og ført mig til muligheder for at nå længere ud og møde andre med samme interesser.
Siden maj 2015 har jeg skrevet på en fagspecifik blog om markedsinformation, der giver tips, tricks og gode råd om at søge og bruge markedsinformation, som er frit tilgængelig på nettet.
Jeg tror på effekten af en langsigtet indsats, der giver chancen for nye kontakter, samarbejdsmuligheder og måske endda et nyt job.
Great to hear your positive feedback on LinkedIn and how it has helped you to connect with others. # rudai23